I wrote this along time ago, but never posted this motherhubbard. I have been so remiss in everything, including gardening. I've actually done things, just haven't written about them, and even took pictures that just sit in my IPhoto. Doh! Now I'm playing catchup, better than playing God, I guess?
Kerala is the southernmost state of India and the home of Ayurveda. This was the last leg of the trip I was on, and we ended it on a tropical note. The weather is luscious and we were lucky enought to stay at a wonderful place called Surya Samudra. The sound of the waves wafted in at night and lulled you to sleep. Then we hit the backwaters of Kerala for a couple of days. We came back to the Surya Samudra- I indulged in a couple of ayurvedic treatments- shirodhara, where oil is drizzled all over your third eye is wonderful, and another where the masseuse supports herself on a rope and rubs her well oiled foot all over your body. I've really never had any ayurvedic treatments, and there seemed to be a lot of oily boob rubbing and ass slapping. Hey lady, who's paying who for this massage? All in good fun and ayurvedic spirit. Incidentally, Kerala is ruled by a Communist government. Literacy is at an all time high in this state.

This is a little Ganesha underneath a Banyan tree. We were told that it makes a difference which way his trunk is facing- generally it should be facing towards the right, if you are facing him. If it's facing the other way, his power is more potent, and potentially more devastating if used incorrectly. Someone correct me? I love Ganesha, he is so powerful, mellow and loving. He is apparently the first Hindu deity that one should have in their house, then you may follow with Shiva, Krishna, Saraswati, Shakti and others. Again, what I was told- please correct me if I am wrong or if my observations are ignant.

This was a houseboat on Lake Illikilam.

The truck drivers adorn their trucks in so many beautiful way, and the style differs from the North to the South. The south seemed more inspired by flowers and natural elements, while in other places you might see more Hindu Gods. This is not a good illustration or even a clear shot! But still.

Another Ganesha- this time he's seated and his trunk faces the other direction.

I'm really hungry- I have to go eat mushroom turnovers from Trader Joe's now! I am about to faint from hunger. I could eat a goat....