A Tramp in the (Organic) Garden

Seeds, Smack Talk and Assorted Gardening Madness in South Pasadena, Los Angeles

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Incarcerated Lettuce

When I came back from India, after being gone for a month, I came back to not only terribly hideous jet lag, but incarcerated lettuces and other crops. While I was gone, raccoons and possums ravaged our little garden every night, plundering through carefully laid out beds of heirloom lettuces, garlic, cauliflower. They mocked us with their actions. They raped my soul.

So my husband decided it would be a good idea to take that roll of chain link fence from the basement and construct a physical barrier. It worked for a while against the critters, but what I also found out is that it kept ME out of the garden as well. Who wants to look at your veggies in tha clink? It's coming down today! It's been too long.

CONFESSION: When I came back from India, I wasn't happy to see my garden. Things had changed. I felt so dissconnected to all of it. I haven't touched it barely, or done any gardening in the past 2 months. My rose was never shaped or prepared for spring. Plants withered in their terra cotta vessels. I find trowels strewn around in odd places. How we keep our gardens is such a reflection of our inner emotions...


At 13 March, 2007 01:31, Blogger Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Loretta, perhaps you felt a bit disconnected from your garden after having been away for so long? Don't worry, the connection will return. And yes, please set your vegetables free!

At 26 March, 2007 03:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dear! I've had to do the same thing with my garden beds while travelling. It's amazing how they'll grow into the fence, though.

At 11 June, 2007 17:08, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loretta...more smack talk please. And I'm with you about the fence - don't listen to the other side (non-gardeners).


At 15 June, 2007 03:44, Blogger Aybuk H said...

I have read through your posts from India; intresting. Having lived in India, I guess I took for granded most of the things that you find so interesting.
I am from Kerala, and the elephant is a very common animal for me. I may not see them every day, but they are always there for festivals, for work, so even if I see one, I might not even think about it, unlesss it is a good specimen.
Btw, Lord Ganesh is not the supreme God in Hindu mythology, but still an important one. He is the son of Shiva, who is one among the three primary Gods.
I don't remember the story very well, but being the son of Shiva, you can say he is a bit spoilt ;-).
So before you do anything you have to give an offering to him, or else he might feel ignored.
I hope no one is going to come after me, coz of what I said of him. ;-)
Anyway, your blog is really interesting. Will come back once in a while and check on what you have written, and I do hope you will write more about the places you visit, maybe you should start thinking about starting a new blog for that.
Have a good day!

At 24 June, 2007 06:31, Blogger Stunned Donor said...

Maybe it isn't the garden, but the decompression from a long trip abroad?

After my last extended vacation I came home and wanted to sell the house and move into an apartment somewhere. I had so much stuff, this huge yard and all these garden beds. It took a couple weeks to get back into the swing of things, but I got rid of a lot of stuff.

At 25 June, 2007 23:10, Blogger Loretta said...

Steven, you are so right- I think it's always sort of like that after you take a vaction or go somewhere for a long time. It can be overwhelming all this "stuff" and things to do and keeping up with all the projects and life and chaos.

I'm so looking forward to your new garden! It's very inspiring, all that you do.

: )

At 09 September, 2008 18:07, Blogger ThrtnWmsFam said...

I miss by garden terribly when I'm away for more than a couple of days. I meander, telling the tomatoes they are looking quite lovely, the squash prolific, etc. As to our own lettuce problem, we have lots of critters out here from foxes to squirrels to raccoons and skunks. We filled two kiddie pools with potting soil and once planted, covered with netting/tulle from the fabric store. We had to pull it back to harvest, which was a minor inconvenience considering the pests completely hated the feel of it and left the pools alone. We ate delicious lettuce, beets, carrots and radishes until - well, we're still picking them. Looking forward to reading more of your blog entries. Vikki from near Denver, Colorado // www.thorntonwilliamsfamily.blogspot.com

At 18 May, 2009 11:04, Blogger Pooka said...

You know, I had always really wondered myself why I would do the same thing. Now, since you wrote it down- it makes so much sense! Yes, our gardens definitely tend to reflect how we really feel within ourselfves


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