A Tramp in the (Organic) Garden

Seeds, Smack Talk and Assorted Gardening Madness in South Pasadena, Los Angeles

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Karl Lagerfeld, Raccoons, Tomatoes...

Um, when did this become Bizarro Tomato Landia Summer 2006? My ripest tomatoes, just on the verge of delicious succulent caprese goodness have been plundered by the ravenous appetites of a fuzzball raccoon (or so I suspect). I feel, well...I don't know what to feel anymore...next season I vow to not emotionally invest in growing tomatoes anymore. It's just too heartbreaking. Please be witness to the destruction of some BIG BEEF tomatoes (my mom got these plants for me from large orange home improvement centre in protest to last years heirlooms):

Exhibit A: A snall nibble pocks the flesh of a ripe tomato. Luckily this tomato was saved.

Exhibit B: Half of the fruit is devoured- raccoon...or chupacabra?

Exhibit C: Tomato from Ex. B was left on the ground near tomato plants, partly in disgust, partly as offering. The next night this is what was found. Muuuuuuurdaah. Bloody muuuuuurdah.

Exhibit D: Last night I found another tomato slightly nibbled on.

Exhibit E: This is the same tomato this morning! Doh.

We've also discovered that sweet peppers have gone missing ("Did you pick that red pepper outside?" "No, I thought you did."), and yellow, red and orange bell peppers from our neighbor's yard. We really need a couple meowing cats to claim this territory again and protect the veggies. In the meantime I guess I'll concoct some sort of garlic and pepper spray...

PS-But thank goodness I have Karl Lagerfeld and the gang at Chanel to keep it real and remind me of what's really important in life! I bet you Andre Leon Talley doesn't have these problems....


At 20 August, 2006 07:29, Blogger Stunned Donor said...

I would just freak.

At 20 August, 2006 09:56, Blogger T said...

LOVE this post! Freakin' hilarious! Not hilarious that a little critter is chowing on your tomatoes but very entertaining writing. Keep it up my friend...keep it up! I'm almost tempted to post the pic of us from yesterday...hmmm...should I or shouldn't I? But then the Tramp in the Garden's identity will be revealed...do you think the whole blogging world is ready to know who you really are? I must admit...it's a very tempting.
PS...I definitely think you need a cat to guard your crops.

At 20 August, 2006 12:11, Blogger Loretta said...

Yes, I am freaking out! But I'm trying to be a little accepting, like, okay, I'm providing some food for animals that we've displaced from their natural habitat. But it's really sad that we haven't had any tomatoes this year. 2005 we had tons. It is a sad day....I want to set up some sort of night time raccoon cam. Or Steven, I'm just going to use Roy's tiger who now sleeps on my living room couch ti commission a hit!

Tiana, AHA! I have pics of you, too, remember! I'll post the one with red vines.

What am I doing? I have to take a shower and go make jam in five minutes! Goodbye!

At 22 August, 2006 18:34, Blogger Carol Michel said...

That is sad and disturbing what happened in your garden. Sounds like you are taking it as well as can be expected...

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